KEUCO’s passion for the bathroom runs through its veins, and this is evident in our products. At KEUCO, bathroom awakens the emotions. It is an intimate place of well-being. It conveys elegance and luxury, and it combines aesthetics, ergonomics and functionality.
Getting associated with a Germany-based company, Team Saket had to cross their comfort zone and step into a new world; but when creative minds get to work, the tougher it is, the better it gets!
… and it clicked! Our work went across Asia-Pacific region for this multinational client!
Right from magazine ads to calendar designs, everything was classy to cater to a niche audience. We also won an award for best Point of Purchase for the brochure designed for a German Exhibition!
With a client of a global repute, Team Saket crossed to local boundaries to step onto international turf… and we are ready for our next challenge!
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