Katyaar to Kajrare – Shankar Mahadevan Live in Concert – A show to remember

Katyaar to Kajrare – Shankar Mahadevan Live in Concert – A show to remember

Being in advertising has its perks and high points no doubt. So when the musical legend Shankar Mahadevan calls us up and candidly says that he wants to do a brand new show in Pune soon and wants Saket to be the agency to manage the creatives, it was one hell of a day for us!Logo

What do you do when such a project comes your way? Jump with joy ofcourse and start working!

Well, that’s exactly what we did. The entire office was called for a meeting and we chalked out a tentative plan with dates, publicity, creative route and more. We were all excited and had one thing clear- this event has to stand out; it has to remain a memory in people’s minds- every person who attended the show and even those who missed it should remember it. And while brainstorming, someone suddenly came up with the name- ‘Katyaar to Kajrare’ et voila! the name stuck in everyone’s mind!


Our creative director- Prem Nadar was the brain behind the brilliantly vibrant logo of Katyaar to Kajrare.

ThDSC_0764e vivid purple and pink hues splashing behind the diva-like name of the show was a masterstroke. Once the logo was made and the overall theme of colours and design was created, the rest was even more interesting. We went all out and made some of the most striking videos and posts for social media. Facebook, WhatsApp and other platforms were flooded with Katyaar to Kajrare or K2K posts and we couldn’t be more proud! The kind of response we got in return for our labour of love was heart-warming.
The event saw a crowd of more than 10,000 people at Ramanbaug grounds and there wasn’t one person who didn’t enjoy the show. Every single person went back home with their hearts full of music, love and a sense of transcendence. That was the power of Shankar’s voice with Mahesh Kale and others and team Saket was beaming with happiness.

The cherry on top if you ask us was when Shankar Mahadevan called us all on stage to personally acknowledge our efforts, integrity and creative DSC_0775excellence. He later even called us and commended the perfect planning and execution of all aspects of the show. Looks like sometimes, you just have to lift your chin up and bask in the warm light of appreciation (something an ad agency gets to do very rarely).

More on this later, for the winds are blowing strong and there are many other exciting things we are working upon. Be sure to stay tuned as we will let you know about it soon!

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