Pakka Puneri – Jalan Group

Pakka Puneri – Jalan Group

When you plan to do business in Pune, you really have to make sure you fit in. Although very progressive and educated, Punekars are pretty uptight about who they let in their elite circle of being a Punekar.

So when a big brand like the Jalan Group of companies came to us with a problem, we were taken by surprise. Now it so happened that the group who is into real estate and constructions, had noticed that many of their projects were given a stepmotherly treatment by Punekars living in the city areas and ‘Prabhat Road’. Perplexed about the possible causes, the client came to us to dig deeper and give them a transparent report on where they fall short.

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A Hook is all it takes – Bhujbal Brothers

A Hook is all it takes – Bhujbal Brothers

BhujbalWhen we talk about work that we did which received tremendous response, our campaign for Bhujbal Brothers’ real estate group comes to mind instantly. There is a reason for this. In 2013, the group approached Saket with a clear requirement- they had 10 different real estate projects in Pune which needed to be publicised and eventually of course, they needed to be sold.
After our careful analysis of the brand and its target audience, we noticed that most of the buyers were Maharashtrians who had enough money to buy a comfortable home, but, were very picky about splurging a big amount of money.

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Koyna Dam Project With A Big Bang

Koyna Dam Project With A Big Bang

We, at Saket Communications, are known for an in-depth research and analysis of every client that we work on – that is what the clients have always relied us upon! When we got a call from the Irrigation Department of Maharashtra, this quality of ours was literally put to use!

About Koyna Dam

Koyna is a huge water reservoir and is the lifeline of Maharashtra. It receives nearly2.5 to 5.0 meters rainfall. It is situated in Sahyadri ranges of the Western Ghats The reservoir is spread across 344 square miles and is about 260 feet deep. It holds approximately 10 x 1010 Cubic feet.

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