A Touching Line for B. U. Bhandari

We believe you must have already seen our video related to our TOUCH philosophy and even read about our thought behind it. Well, if you haven’t, check it out on B. U. Bhandari Touch Facebook Page

Today’s post, however, is about our choice of using the ‘line art’ to design our B. U. Bhandari TOUCH creatives. We are sure you must have struck a chord when you saw the dotted lines throughout the videos and Facebook posts we have created for the brand for over a year now.15th August mailer 1

So let’s take a moment and reflect on this peculiar choice of ‘line art’.

In order to explain this, we need to take you to the Group’s history and ideology in a nutshell. The B. U. Bhandari Group started way back in the 1920’s and has consistently expanded through hard work and clear work ethics. Over the long period of 96 years, the Group is now recognised for its impeccable service, wonderful customer-care and constant innovation- be it through the product range or offerings.

The Group has 8 different brands under its umbrella and each of the brands has created its own niche in their segments. Right from automobiles to housing and footwear to animation studio, the B. U. Bhandari Group gives its customers a wide variety of services and products to choose from.

Youth day mailer

And this is precisely what we aimed to capture through the ‘line art’ concept. A constant line made up of numerous

dots which merges all its brands as one. Each of the tiny dots that creates the main line represents their loyal customers, well-wishers and supporters whom the Group respects the most in all their business decisions.
The line is a flexible entity that moulds itself into any of our business- just in the way that all our brands have the same values and ethics that our forefathers envisioned the B. U. Bhandari Group to possess.

So there you go folks, these are our thoughts and ideals laid out in front of you through all of our communication. What do you think of it? Does the line art appeal to you as much as it does to us? How do you connect with it?

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